(Knocks on door)
Herr Oberst, he has arrived.
(Door opens)
(Irish accent) Come in...
Colonel Radl, isn't it?
The top o' the morning to you.
It's not Irish whisky, but
it'll do to be going on with.
Better for you to drink than me.
I have the feeling
I'll need it.
- May I?
- Ja.
The last time I was invited
up here to Section Three
someone persuaded me
to jump out of a Dornier.
5,000 feet above Ireland,
in the dark.
Me, with this
terrible fear of heights!
You're planning a holiday
to England, are you?
They say that Brighton's
lovely this time of year.
W-what the Christ is that?
They're Russian. I took
to them in the Winter War.
They're probably all that
kept you awake in the snow.
Here...and here.
I had a proposition
for you, Mr Devlin.
You HAD?
I'm working, you know, Colonel.
At the university.
For a man like you, that's like
a thoroughbred racing horse...