Me, with this
terrible fear of heights!
You're planning a holiday
to England, are you?
They say that Brighton's
lovely this time of year.
W-what the Christ is that?
They're Russian. I took
to them in the Winter War.
They're probably all that
kept you awake in the snow.
Here...and here.
I had a proposition
for you, Mr Devlin.
You HAD?
I'm working, you know, Colonel.
At the university.
For a man like you, that's like
a thoroughbred racing horse...
finding himself...
pulling a milk cart.
You've got a way
with words, Colonel.
You want me
to go back to Ireland?
Well, I can't.
They'd arrest me...
No, no.
We don't want you to go back.
You're still a supporter
of the Irish Republican Army?
Soldier of, Colonel.
Once in, never out.
But you're here in Germany
and not England, why?
I don't like soft target hits.
I don't want to live in
Bayswater, mixing up explosives
to blow the arms
and legs off passers-by.
My fight is with
the bloody British Empire
and I'll fight it
on my own two feet.
If it's some rabid fanatic
you're after, I'm the wrong man.
Am I right to assume your aim is
total victory against England?
No, that's your aim.
My aim is a united Ireland.
I appreciate the distinction,
but Germany must win first.