Pigs might fly one day,
but I doubt it.
Mr Devlin.
I want you
to go to England for me.
I barely know you.
To assist in the kidnapping
and safe return to Germany
of Winston Churchill.
Give me another Bolshevik
firecracker, will you?
I think I fell asleep
in the snow.
(Knocks on door)
Good evening, Herr Oberst.
I am Sturmführer Toberg
of the SS.
Reichsführer Himmler
presents his compliments,
and requests you to bring
the plan designated "Eagle".
When is that to be?
Now, Herr Oberst.
You seem nervous, Herr Oberst.
Please relax. Sit down.
May I smoke, Herr Reichsführer?
A masterful job.
Thank you, Herr Reichsführer.
But some people would say
that such an operation
could make the Charge
of the Light Brigade
look like
a sensible military exercise.
Have you heard that phrase
before, Herr Oberst?
I don't immediately recall,
Herr Reichsführer.
I know all about your plan.
I know what is written
on every single page.
Even the one
you haven't got yet!
The court martial of Herr Oberst
Steiner and his men.