You seem nervous, Herr Oberst.
Please relax. Sit down.
May I smoke, Herr Reichsführer?
A masterful job.
Thank you, Herr Reichsführer.
But some people would say
that such an operation
could make the Charge
of the Light Brigade
look like
a sensible military exercise.
Have you heard that phrase
before, Herr Oberst?
I don't immediately recall,
Herr Reichsführer.
I know all about your plan.
I know what is written
on every single page.
Even the one
you haven't got yet!
The court martial of Herr Oberst
Steiner and his men.
The arrogance of this,
Steiner, is dazzling.
An unusual man this...er,
this Steiner.
Intelligent, ruthless,
a brilliant soldier...
but above all, a romantic fool.
He threw away everything:
rank, career, the future.
He is presently serving in a
penal colony on the island of...
All because
of some little Jewess
whom he'd never
clapped eyes on before!
You know he's a veteran of
five successful commando raids?
Six, I believe.
Educated in England.
Speaks the language perfectly,
without an accent.