The arrogance of this,
Steiner, is dazzling.
An unusual man this...er,
this Steiner.
Intelligent, ruthless,
a brilliant soldier...
but above all, a romantic fool.
He threw away everything:
rank, career, the future.
He is presently serving in a
penal colony on the island of...
All because
of some little Jewess
whom he'd never
clapped eyes on before!
You know he's a veteran of
five successful commando raids?
Six, I believe.
Educated in England.
Speaks the language perfectly,
without an accent.
The ideal man for the job. Eh?
- If you think so.
- And so do you.
But the Herr Admiral Canaris
doesn't think so.
My loyalty to Herr Admiral...
..is exceeded only by your
loyalty to the Führer himself.
Isn't that so?
I was sure of it.
Now, this Churchill business...
Our Führer
wants it seen through.
You have autonomy
in running your office.
You should be able to use it
to prevent Canaris
from knowing what's going on.
What kind of authority
would I have
to carry such a project through,
Herr Reichsführer?