He can go to hell -
I belong to no man.
Your nose turns up.
And when you get angry, your
mouth turns down at the corners.
I'm sure you could find 100
things wrong with me...1,000!
But you wouldn't throw me
out of your bed on a wet night.
That's men for you -
anything's better than nothing.
Wait! Come here!
You don't know me.
Because if you did,
you'd know that I much prefer
one autumn afternoon
under the pines
to a wet Saturday night,
any day.
The sand has a terrible way of
getting where it shouldn't do.
Get out of here, before
my passion runs away with me.
Go on, get! Get!
They told me
all Irishmen were crazy...
now I believe them.
- Will you be at mass?
- Do I look like I will?
Yes. I think you do.
Oh, Devlin, you bloody idiot.
You never learn.
Never bloody learn.
Himmler sends personal wishes
for success from the Führer.
You've altered the parachutes.
Unfortunately, we have high tide
when we must drop.
So we may land in the surf.