They told me
all Irishmen were crazy...
now I believe them.
- Will you be at mass?
- Do I look like I will?
Yes. I think you do.
Oh, Devlin, you bloody idiot.
You never learn.
Never bloody learn.
Himmler sends personal wishes
for success from the Führer.
You've altered the parachutes.
Unfortunately, we have high tide
when we must drop.
So we may land in the surf.
These slots enable us
to guide the chute.
It's experimental, and
the landing velocity is high,
but we have no choice.
I assume they've been tested.
Jawohl, Herr Oberst.
I have one request.
A demand, actually.
Blackmail at this point, huh?
We are not spies,
and will not be treated
as such by the British
if anything goes wrong.
We will wear our own uniforms,
under the Polish outfits,
and if necessary,
we will fight
and die as what we are -
German paratroopers.