l'm not getting my period! Jesus!
Every time anything out of the ordinary
happens, you think l have my period.
A little louder. l think one
of them may have missed it.
- Has the picture started?
- Two minutes ago.
That's it. Forget it.
l can't go in.
- Two minutes.
- We've blown it already.
l can't go in, in the middle.
ln the middle? We've only missed
the titles. They're in Swedish.
You want to get coffee for two hours?
- Two hours? No. l'm going in.
- Go ahead. Good-bye.
While we're talking,
we could be inside.
Can we not argue in front of everybody?
l get embarrassed.
- All right. So what do you want to do?
- l don't know. Go to another movie?
-Let's see The Sorrow and the Pity.
-We've seen it.
l'm not in the mood to see
a four hour documentary on Nazis.
l'm sorry.
l've got to see a picture exactly
from start to finish, 'cause l'm anal.
That's a polite word
for what you are.
We saw the Fellini film last Tuesday.
lt is not one of his best.
lt lacks a cohesive structure.
You get the feeling he's not absolutely
sure what it is he wants to say.
l've always felt he was essentially
a technical filmmaker.
Granted La Strada was a great film.
Great in its use of negative imagery
more than anything else.
- l'm going to have a stroke.
- Stop listening to him.
He's screaming his opinions in my ear.
All that Juliet of the Spirits
or Satyricon.
l found it incredibly indulgent.
He really is one of
the most indulgent of filmmakers.
Key word here is "indulgent."
- What are you depressed about?
- l missed my therapy. l overslept.
How can you possibly oversleep?
The alarm clock.
You know what a hostile gesture
that is to me?
l know. Because of our
sexual problem, right?
Everybody in line has to know
our rate of intercourse?
lt's like Samuel Beckett.
l admire the technique,
but it doesn't hit me on a gut level.