lt lacks a cohesive structure.
You get the feeling he's not absolutely
sure what it is he wants to say.
l've always felt he was essentially
a technical filmmaker.
Granted La Strada was a great film.
Great in its use of negative imagery
more than anything else.
- l'm going to have a stroke.
- Stop listening to him.
He's screaming his opinions in my ear.
All that Juliet of the Spirits
or Satyricon.
l found it incredibly indulgent.
He really is one of
the most indulgent of filmmakers.
Key word here is "indulgent."
- What are you depressed about?
- l missed my therapy. l overslept.
How can you possibly oversleep?
The alarm clock.
You know what a hostile gesture
that is to me?
l know. Because of our
sexual problem, right?
Everybody in line has to know
our rate of intercourse?
lt's like Samuel Beckett.
l admire the technique,
but it doesn't hit me on a gut level.
- l'd like to hit him on a gut level.
- Stop it.
He's spitting on my neck
when he talks.
You know something else?
You're so egocentric that...
if l miss my therapy you can only think
of it in terms of how it affects you!
They're probably on their first date.
Probably met by answering an ad
in the New York Review of Books.
"Thirtyish academic
wishes to meet woman...
who's interested in Mozart,
James Joyce and sodomy."
What do you mean
"our sexual problem"?
l'm comparatively normal
for a guy raised in Brooklyn.
l'm sorry. My sexual problem.
Okay? My sexual problem!
l never read that. That was Henry James'
sequel to Turn of the Screw?
lt's the influence of television.
Marshall McLuhan deals with it
in terms of it being a high intensity.
Do you understand?
A hot medium.
What l wouldn't give for a large sock
with horse manure in it.
What do you do when you get stuck
on a movie line with a guy like this?