You know, Corporal, Sergeant
I have a feeling you somewhat
overestimate your importance
At the moment, I am free
of any such illusions, sir
Well, may I suggest you that
you do not underestimate
your present company?
Everything you are and
may become is dependent
upon this present company
No, I would not forget that, sir
but may I add man is generally
what he feels himself to be
Of course, of course
You're dismissed
I should be back soon, sir
Is that a salute?
Yes, sir
Yes, sir
You must be careful, Steiner
He's taken strong dislike to you
I'll survive
You're not dealing with just
another Nazi party diver
This one is pure impression
of military aristocracy enriched
Hey, why are you bringing
in the apples?
To eat it, you idiot!
You know the ruling classes
Come now, lieutenant
What's left to rule?
Don't be naive
Stransky will survive
this war one way or another
and he'll still have
his land his wealth
and his status
But it will be very
dangerous in defeat
Be careful, Captain
He doesn't live in
the same world we live in
I know, he's living in
my world now
Yeah, sure
Please, would you come
inside for a minute?