Well, it just could be.
lt was sexy.
That's what you want to know, isn't it?
-He//o, Doctor.
/ hope it's not too /ate.
No, Mrs. Strang.
lt's just that Mr. Strang and l were talking.
We felt there was something
you may want to know.
Cou/d / come and see you tomorrow?
Why don't l come to see you?
l'm talking about the beach...
that time that l told you about.
l was pushed forward on the horse.
There was sweat on my legs from his neck.
His sides were all warm...
the smell...
and turning him....
All that power, going anywhere you wanted.
And then, Dad....
lt's about the picture...
of the horse.
The one on his bedroom wall?
l'm afraid l didn't quite tell you
all about it last time.
l didn't think it was that important.
You see...
it actually took the place
of another kind of picture altogether.
What kind?
lt was a reproduction of our Lord
on his way to Calvary.
A/an insisted on buying it
with his own pocket money...