His sides were all warm...
the smell...
and turning him....
All that power, going anywhere you wanted.
And then, Dad....
lt's about the picture...
of the horse.
The one on his bedroom wall?
l'm afraid l didn't quite tell you
all about it last time.
l didn't think it was that important.
You see...
it actually took the place
of another kind of picture altogether.
What kind?
lt was a reproduction of our Lord
on his way to Calvary.
A/an insisted on buying it
with his own pocket money...
and hanging it where he cou/d see it,
/ast thing at night.
My husband was very disp/eased.
And, to be fair, it is a /itt/e extreme.
Then, one day...
Mr. Strang and /
had one of our tiffs about re/igion...
and he went straight up the stairs
and tore it off the boy's wa//.
A/an went quite hysterica/.
He cried for days, without stopping.
But he recovered
when he was given the picture of the horse?
He hung it in exact/y the same p/ace.
And we had no more of that awfu/ weeping.