
l bet all cowboys are orphans.
l bet they are.
No one ever says to cowboys:
''Receive my meaning.'' Or God.
''All the time, God sees you, Alan.
God's got eyes everywhere.''

No, l'm not doing anymore, l hate this.
You can whistle for anymore. l've had it.

-l'm very busy, you know.
-That's why l came to see you.

Mr. Strang, is there something
you're not telling me?

What do you mean?
The last time we met, you said that
religion was at the bottom of all this.

So it is.
-Because his mother reads him the Bible?
-Night after night.

Fifty years ago, that would have been
considered proper conduct for a mother.

l know l'm being impertinent.
l'm prying, and l'm nosy.
But if you want to help Alan,
you've got to help me.

Anything will do, Mr. Strang.
Any bloody thing!
-Your wife told me about the picture.
-No, it's not that, it's....

lt's about that.
lt's worse.
l wanted to tell you the other day,
but l couldn't in front of Dora.

Maybe l should have.
lt might show where all that stuff leads to,
she drills into the boy, behind my back.
