
But if you want to help Alan,
you've got to help me.

Anything will do, Mr. Strang.
Any bloody thing!
-Your wife told me about the picture.
-No, it's not that, it's....

lt's about that.
lt's worse.
l wanted to tell you the other day,
but l couldn't in front of Dora.

Maybe l should have.
lt might show where all that stuff leads to,
she drills into the boy, behind my back.

What kind of thing is it?
-Something l witnessed.

At home...
eighteen months ago.
lt was late.
The boy had been in bed hours,
or so l'd thought.

Go on.
As l came out of the bathroom...
l heard....
l heard the noise of this chanting.
-Yes, you know.

By the Bible, one of those lists
his mother was always reading to him.

Those ''begat, so and so, begat....''
You know, genealogy.

What did Alan's list sound like?
Well, l remember the sort of thing....
The first word l heard was...
