Would you like to play a game?
What kind?
lt's one l invented myself. lt's called Blink.
You fix your eyes on something...
say, that little stain on the wall over there...
and l tap my pencil on the desk.
First tap, you close your eyes.
The second, you open.
Close, open, close, open, till l say ''stop.''
What's the point of that?
Well, relax you.
Make it easier for you to talk.
You don't have to if you don't want to.
l didn't say l didn't want to.
All right.
All right.
Start watching that stain.
Put your hands by your side,
your fingers open wide.
The thing to do is
to feel comfortable and relax...
Watching that stain?
-All right.
Now try and make your mind
as blank as possible.
That's not difficult.
No more talking.
First tap, close.
Second, open. Ready?
My tools are very delicate.
My compassion is honest.
l've honestly assisted children in this room.
l've talked away terrors,
relieved many agonies.