Watching that stain?
-All right.
Now try and make your mind
as blank as possible.
That's not difficult.
No more talking.
First tap, close.
Second, open. Ready?
My tools are very delicate.
My compassion is honest.
l've honestly assisted children in this room.
l've talked away terrors,
relieved many agonies.
But beyond question...
l have cut from them
portions of individuality...
repugnant to this God, Normal,
in all its aspects.
And at what length.
Sacrifices to Zeus took,
at the most, 60 seconds each.
Sacrifices to the Normal...
can take as much as...
sixty months.
Can you hear me?
Can you speak normally?
Say ''yes'' if you can.
l can.
Now raise your head.
Open your eyes.