A child is born into a world of phenomena,
all equal in their power to enslave.
lt sniffs, it sucks, it strokes its eyes
over the whole, uncountable range.
Suddenly, one strikes.
Then another. Then another.
Moments snap together,
/ike magnets forging a chain of shack/es.
/ can trace them.
/ can, with time, pu// them apart again.
But why, at the start,
they were ever magnetized at a//...
why those particu/ar moments of experience
and no others...
l do not know, and nor does anybody else!
lf l don't know...
if l can never know...
what am l doing here?
/ don't mean c/inica//y or socia//y doing,
but fundamenta//y.
These whys, these questions,
are fundamental.
Yet they have no place in a consulting room.
So then, do l?
Do any of us?
This is the feeling, more and more.
''Account for me''...
says staring Equus.
''First, account for me!''
Dr. Dysart!
There's a terrible scene with the Strang boy
in the Violence Room.
His mother brought him chocolates.
He threw them at her, hard!
Don't you dare!
Don't you dare.
Don't you look at me like that.
l'm not a doctor who'll take anything.
Don't you give me that stare, young man.
Mrs. Strang.
-l know your stares, they don't work on me--
-Leave here at once!