All right.
Tell me about Jill.
-Nothing to tell.
For example, is she pretty?
You've never described her to me.
She's all right.
What color is her hair?
Don't know.
-ls it long or short?
-Don't know.
-Come, Alan, surely you know that.
-l don't remember. l don't!
you're going to do this, and do it now.
Tell me everything that happened
with this girl.
And now, not just tell me, show me.
Act it out, if you like,
even more than when l tapped the pencil.
Feel free to do anything
you like in this room.
The pill will help you, l will help you.
Now describe her to me.
ls her hair long or short?
Down to here.
-You sure?
-She was posh.
-You mean snobbish?
Yeah, no. l don't know!
-She was always looking.
-At you?
Saying stupid things.
Always asking questions.
Like what?
Do you find them sexy?
-Don't be daft.
Girls do.
They go through a period
where they pat them and kiss them a lot.
l know l did.
l suppose it's a substitute.
That kind of thing, a// the time.
Till one night....
lt was her idea.
She got me into it, the whole thing.
What are you saying? One night? Go on.
/t was a Saturday night.
We were just c/osing up.
How would you like to take me out?