Now describe her to me.
ls her hair long or short?
Down to here.
-You sure?
-She was posh.
-You mean snobbish?
Yeah, no. l don't know!
-She was always looking.
-At you?
Saying stupid things.
Always asking questions.
Like what?
Do you find them sexy?
-Don't be daft.
Girls do.
They go through a period
where they pat them and kiss them a lot.
l know l did.
l suppose it's a substitute.
That kind of thing, a// the time.
Till one night....
lt was her idea.
She got me into it, the whole thing.
What are you saying? One night? Go on.
/t was a Saturday night.
We were just c/osing up.
How would you like to take me out?
How would you like to take me out tonight?
-l've got to go home.
-What for?
They expect me.
Ring up and say you're going out.
l can't.
Why not?
They expect me.
Either we go out together
and have some fun...
or you go back to your boring home,
as usual, and l go back to mine.
That's the situation, isn't it?
Where would we go?
There's a skin flick over in Winchester.
l've never seen one. Have you?
Wouldn't you like to?
All those heavy Swedes
panting at one another.
Well? What do you say?
-So you did?
-l'm tired now. l want to stop.
-You can't stop there.
-l'm tired, l want to go to bed!