-Well, you can't.
-l want to hear about that film.
-Hear what? lt was awful.
-Nosy parker!
The whole place was full of men.
Jill was the only girl.
lt was daft.
lt all took place in Sweden.
There was this girl, Brita, who was 16.
She stayed in this house
where there was an o/der boy.
He kept giving her /ooks.
But she ignored him comp/ete/y.
/nstead, she took a shower.
She went into the bathroom and took off
a// her c/othes, the /ot, very s/ow/y.
/t was fantastic.
Water fe// down her,
bouncing off her breasts.
/s that the first time
you'd ever seen a gir/ naked?
Cou/dn't see everything, though.
/t was funny.
A// around me, a// the men were staring up,
/ike they were in a church.
Like a secret congregation.
Like those ear/y Christians
my mom ta/ks about...
the ones that came together
in caves underground.
And then....
l think he saw me.
You can hear me. Don't pretend.
Do l have to come and fetch you? Alan!
Shut up, will you?
-Stop it!
-Come here this instant.
-But, Dad!
Come on.
You went with him, then?
What e/se cou/d / do?
/t was weird.
/ mean, it turned into fo//ow the /eader.
Dad trying to /ook impressive, and me...
/ suppose, thinking / ought to copy him.
/t was abso/ute/y stupid.
We stood at the bus stop,
/ike three peop/e in a queue...
who didn't know each other.
We must have stayed /ike that
for five minutes.