the ones that came together
in caves underground.
And then....
l think he saw me.
You can hear me. Don't pretend.
Do l have to come and fetch you? Alan!
Shut up, will you?
-Stop it!
-Come here this instant.
-But, Dad!
Come on.
You went with him, then?
What e/se cou/d / do?
/t was weird.
/ mean, it turned into fo//ow the /eader.
Dad trying to /ook impressive, and me...
/ suppose, thinking / ought to copy him.
/t was abso/ute/y stupid.
We stood at the bus stop,
/ike three peop/e in a queue...
who didn't know each other.
We must have stayed /ike that
for five minutes.
/ tried to speak, / said.:
l've never been in there before in my life.
Ji// tried.
lt's true, Mr. Strang.
lt wasn't Alan's idea to go there at all.
lt was mine.
l'm not shocked by films like that, l just...
think they're silly, that's all.
The bus wou/dn't come.
We stood and stood.
Then sudden/y, he spoke.
/t fe/t /ike it was somebody e/se
ta/king for him.
l would like you to know something...
both of you.
l came here tonight to see the manager.
He asked me to call on him
for business purposes.
l happen to be a printer, Miss.