/ tried to speak, / said.:
l've never been in there before in my life.
Ji// tried.
lt's true, Mr. Strang.
lt wasn't Alan's idea to go there at all.
lt was mine.
l'm not shocked by films like that, l just...
think they're silly, that's all.
The bus wou/dn't come.
We stood and stood.
Then sudden/y, he spoke.
/t fe/t /ike it was somebody e/se
ta/king for him.
l would like you to know something...
both of you.
l came here tonight to see the manager.
He asked me to call on him
for business purposes.
l happen to be a printer, Miss.
The picture house needs posters.
That is entirely why l'm here,
to discuss posters.
While l was there,
l happened to glance in, and l saw....
l can only say that...
l'm complaining to the council.
l had no idea they showed films like this.
l'm certainly going to refuse my services.
Yes, of course.
So long as that is understood.
Come along, Alan.
No fuss, please.
Just say good night to the young lady.
No, l'm stopping here.
l've got to see her home.
lt's proper.
Very well.
l'll see you when you choose to return, then.