- What do you want?
- I want the plants inside.
Step one foot in this house,
I'll call the police.
I still want the plants.
Pretty grim, huh?
What are we going to tell Dad
when he comes home?
...are you gonna tell me
how bad things are...
...or are you gonna wait
for the roof to fall in?
It really isn't as bad as it looks.
Nothing is as bad as this looks.
We don't have any income
or any assets.
What do you mean,
we don't have any assets?
Other than the sun in the morning
and the moon at night.
We got this house.
We owe $ 77,000 on this house, Dick.
If you died right now,
how would I pay it off?
Out of the insurance.
We don't have any.
You borrowed against it.
Right, right, right. I forgot.
This is ridiculous.
I'm not gonna die tonight.
The night is young.
It's comforting to know
when things get tough...
...l'll have you standing behind me
with an ice pick.
You've been leading a secret life
for these last years.
For example, what are
"insecured municipal debentures"?
I don't know. I gambled on a few things
for us, and I lost. I'm sorry.
You gambled. You lost.
What about me?
I gambled and lost, and I didn't
even get a chance to play.
I didn't even watch.
Your interest in economics
was limited to the spending part.
I always thought of you as
a responsible aerospace executive.
Who would have known you were
the Typhoid Mary of high finance.
If I'd have consulted you,
I wouldn't have lost my job.
If you think you can do better,
take over.
It would be hard
to do it any worse.
Go ahead, be my guest.
It's all yours.
My very thought.
And my first act as director
of family economics...