He has the mind, soul and desires
of a woman imprisoned in a man's body.
Now, what can I do for you, sir?
- Thank you.
- Oh, God.
Good night.
Do you resent it that I got a job?
Don't be silly.
You shouldn't feel threatened...
Look, I don't resent you getting a job.
I'm thrilled you got a job.
I can tell by your shouting.
I'm shouting because I've got
an interview at 9 in the morning...
...about food stamps,
and I'd like to get some sleep.
Or maybe, now that you've conquered
the business world, we don't need them.
I thought you were going today
to get food stamps.
Jane, you just don't get food stamps.
You don't come in off the street
and say, "I'd like food stamps"...
...and they give you some.
It happens to be a very difficult
and complicated process.
- I'm sure you can handle it, sweetie.
- I don't know.
You getting this job
may have screwed up our eligibility.
Spot, will you shut up.
It's all politics, man. You don't
have to worry about it. Come on.
Yeah. So?
A guy comes to your house...
Wait a second.
A guy comes to my house?
He wants to see
where you got to cook...
...and if you're telling the truth about
how many people you got living there.
All right.
A guy comes to my house.
First, you fill out the forms.
Tell him about the forms.
What about the forms?
Then, you get to buy vouchers,
which you take to a place that sells...
Are they putting me on?
Hey, you wanna know
how to get food stamps, right?
We're trying to explain.
What do you think,
it's dinner for two at Trader Vic's?