He's sounding again, Davy.
He's right under the boat.
You gotta get to the stern.
Loosen up on the drag a little
so you can get the butt out.
I've seen a grown man,
strong, you know,
big shoulders, like a bull,
quit with half the work you put in
on this fish already.
Big guy.
Trained for it.
Fished all the time.
I've got to stop him.
Your hands and your feet,
they don't mean a damn thing.
They hurt, and they look bad,
but they're all right.
That's the way a fisherman's hands
and feet are supposed to look, right?
It will toughen them up
for the next time.
The point is, are you all right?
You sure you don't want
me to take him?
Wouldn't be like quitting now.
It just makes sense, you know.
Am I doing anything wrong?
You're doing perfectly.
Then why do you want me
to quit on him?
...he's giving you an awful beating.
I don't want him to hurt you.
He's the one
with the hook in his mouth.
He isn't giving me a beating.
I'm giving him a beating.
The son of a bitch.
I don't care if he kills me.
Son of a bitch.
Save your wind.
And if you stay calm and quiet,
we'll stay with him forever.
How's the line, Tom?
I don't think there's 10 feet left.
He's stopped him.
Three hours.