You sure you don't want
me to take him?
Wouldn't be like quitting now.
It just makes sense, you know.
Am I doing anything wrong?
You're doing perfectly.
Then why do you want me
to quit on him?
...he's giving you an awful beating.
I don't want him to hurt you.
He's the one
with the hook in his mouth.
He isn't giving me a beating.
I'm giving him a beating.
The son of a bitch.
I don't care if he kills me.
Son of a bitch.
Save your wind.
And if you stay calm and quiet,
we'll stay with him forever.
How's the line, Tom?
I don't think there's 10 feet left.
He's stopped him.
Three hours.
This is where the fight really starts.
See if you can get some line
back on him.
Back on him, Joseph.
Get some line out of his belly.
He's come up from way down,
he's got a bellyful of line,
and you can get some of it.
Oh, no. He's going out again.
No, no, that's all right. That's supposed
to happen. He's on the outturn now.
He circled in toward you, and you got
line. Now he's taking it back again.
Try him again, Davy.
You've got him coming in.
Now, get on that line. Try him again.