Just hold tight.
Pull yourself.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
It's all right. You'll do it next time.
Why'd you change your plans?
It was just an impulse. l...
I thought it would be pleasant to see Berlin.
I thought I'd be able to stay
more than a few hours.
You are going to Moscow. So regulations
permit only that you will have a transit visa.
Why is that?
There you are.
- Your train tickets, madame.
- Thank you very much.
- And where is my trunk?
- It's on the way to the station, madame.
It will be put on the train.
- Did... Did the Campbells get my message?
- Yes, madame.
- Thank you very much. Here.
- Thank you very much.
Have a good trip, Madame Hellman.
Thank you.