Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino

I'm awake.
Stop it, I beg you.
Papa, you mystn't sleep here.

I'm not sleeping, daughter.
Everything's all right, thank God...

A comic, a clown, an ataman.
He's all that.

Once he sewed up the pockets
of his tunic...

Then he filled his snuff-box
with salt...

Ladies and gentlemen, this is
my wife, Sophia Yegorovna!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
You've stolen my wife, haven't you?
Porfiry Semyonovich showed me around.
What a wonderful fresh air!

Yes, it's not Petersburg.
Pure ozone.

- How long have you been here?
- We came two days ago.

I'm delighted with our garden.
Marvelous garden!

Sophia Yegorovna promised that
Thursday you'd come to my place.

Yes, our whole bunch will come.
My garden's even better than yours,
the river's deep, the horses are fine.

Which way should we go?
Through Yasnovka?

- Through Platonovka.
- That'll be a detour.

I used to know the owner.
