Lou Ferrigno, 24 years old,
a former sheet metal worker.
Mr. America, and twice Mr. Universe.
He's turned professional this year,
and is a contender for the Mr. Olympia title.
Lou lives with his parents
in Brooklyn, New York.
At 6'5" and 275 pounds...
Lou is the largest bodybuilder ever.
And he thinks he can take the title
from Arnold this year.
So does his father, Matty...
who retired from the New York City Police
Department to oversee Lou's training.
The first time Arnold came to America,
I took Louie backstage.
And when Arnold went by us,
I'll never forget...
I looked at Louie's face,
and he just looked at Arnold with awe.
I thought God just passed us.
And I looked at Louie, I said,
"What do you think, Louie?"
And he looked at me,
he said, "Gee, Dad, he's big."
And I would say that from that moment on
when he first saw Arnold...
he wanted to be Mr. Olympia.
It was in his eye, in his heart,
and in his mind.
And it became part of his entire body.
- Right, let me complete a full rep.
- Okay.
- One.
- Right.
- Two.
- Right.
- Okay, Dad.
- Okay, come on.
Up, come on.
Make it harder. All right.
Come on.
All the way.
All right.