Come back onto this leg. Weight on this leg.
Pull your weight back onto this...Off that leg.
Onto this leg. Weight back, there you go.
Okay, just take with your arm.
You wanna slide forward...
and reach with your arm.
And slide back, step back.
- Arnold, do it behind me.- Reach back with your arm.
And forward.
I'll do this twice, and then I'll comeand look at you and correct you.
And back. Now what you want is mobility.
So you want a pass-through positionthat will keep showing the body, right?
- So where are your arms?- Like this.
Start, I would think, with the focus up.
- Looking up?- Looking up.
That would help... That'll make a nice...
If your eye line goes up there...
- Right.- Yeah.
That's the idea.
What you have to realize...Okay, take it a little bit slower.
What you have to realizeis that people are watching you all the time.
They're not just watchingyou there and there.
Keep it up.