I'm the strongest bodybuilder
that ever lived, I think.
Ladies and gentlemen...
the strongest man in the world
is blowing up a hot-water bottle.
That takes 600 pounds of pressure.
It's gonna pop.
- Okay, Franco.
- Lazy bastards.
I missed it.
I met Arnold in Germany.
He came to United States,
I came to United States, also.
We went through many things together.
And now, I will be competing
in the Mr. Olympia with Arnold.
Of course, I think I'm gonna win.
I have more definition...
and I'm more muscular.
But Arnold's taller than me,
and that can be one advantage for him.
I think I can show the best out there.
The only problem now is matter
of the judges' opinion, too.
You never really know
what's going to happen.