Pumping Iron

Franco Colombu.
The premier bodybuilder
in the world under 200 pounds.

Five times a contender
for the Mr. Olympia title...

he plans to win it this year from Arnold.
Once the featherweight
boxing champion of Italy...

Franco comes from
a small village in Sardinia.

Here, when you want to say,
"Where are you going?"

Somebody says, "Go to hell"
when they get upset.

There they say, "Go to California."
It's like a place where you never get there.
And then finally I came to California, really.
And now when I go back there
and they ask me, "Where you live?"

I say, "In California."
They're not sure if I mean it or if I'm joking.
When I first started doing sports...
my mother used to scream at me.
She used to say, "You don't want to work.
"You're just trying to punch people...
"trying to make a living without working."
And she was very much against that.

But right now,
after everything went so good...

and I won in sports and I made money...
they are very proud about that.
