The body that isn't used to
maybe the ninth, tenth...
eleventh, and twelfth rep
with a certain weight.
So that makes the body grow, then.
Going through this pain barrier.
Experiencing pain
in your muscles and aching...
and just go on and go on.
And this last
two or three or four repetitions...
that's what makes the muscle then grow.
And that divides one from a champion
and one from not being a champion.
If you can go through this pain barrier,
you may get to be a champion.
If you can't go through, forget it.
And that's what most people lack,
is having the guts.
The guts to go in and just say, "I'll go
through and I don't care what happens."
It aches, and if I fall down...
I have no fear of fainting in a gym...
because I know it could happen.
I threw up many times
while I was working out.
But it doesn't matter,
because it's all worth it.
Franco Colombu.
The premier bodybuilder
in the world under 200 pounds.
Five times a contender
for the Mr. Olympia title...
he plans to win it this year from Arnold.
Once the featherweight
boxing champion of Italy...
Franco comes from
a small village in Sardinia.
Here, when you want to say,
"Where are you going?"
Somebody says, "Go to hell"
when they get upset.
There they say, "Go to California."
It's like a place where you never get there.
And then finally I came to California, really.
And now when I go back there
and they ask me, "Where you live?"
I say, "In California."
They're not sure if I mean it or if I'm joking.