We're going to cruise around until
there's enough of them we can handle.
- We'll pick off a couple on the street.
- That's pussy!
- You're fucked up!
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Forget it, we'II get them tomorrow.
Dream good, jerk off better.
- Tony, I'm getting married.
- Will you cut that shit.
I just wanted to let you know.
If you get married, we'll all go with
you on your honeymoon, all right?
- Take it easy.
- Bobby, get in the car!
We should go to the hospital
tomorrow, you know?
You cool off. You know?
All right. Goodnight.
- What did you say to Father Frank?
- What?
- What did you say?
- Yeah?
- What do you mean?
- You must have said something.
You sleep in the same room, and
then he stays out all night.
- I've said nothing.
- A priest staying out all night.
He's not a priest now,
so he can do what he wants.
- You said something!
- Are you trying to blame me?
- You've been writing to him.
- You're trying to hang this on me!
He called, he called.
In time, he'll see he's wrong.
He's going through a trial of the soul.
He's going back to the Church.