- What did you say to Father Frank?
- What?
- What did you say?
- Yeah?
- What do you mean?
- You must have said something.
You sleep in the same room, and
then he stays out all night.
- I've said nothing.
- A priest staying out all night.
He's not a priest now,
so he can do what he wants.
- You said something!
- Are you trying to blame me?
- You've been writing to him.
- You're trying to hang this on me!
He called, he called.
In time, he'll see he's wrong.
He's going through a trial of the soul.
He's going back to the Church.
- No, he won't...
- Yes, he's going back to the Church!
- He's going back!
- No! You don't have a priest any more.
You've got nothing but three
shit children now! Good, good.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I didn't mean that. I'm sorry.
- I love you, Mom. I really do.
- Go away. Get out of here.
- How are you?
- OK.
Look, Annette, I have
to tell you something.