Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
Come on.Come on, come on, boys.
Hey, Captain, why the haste?The city will not vanish.
It's not the city of Charak he wishesto see, but someone who dwells within.
After a long voyage,it is good to stretch one's legs.
The only good thing about this portis the Inn of Abu Jamil the Squint...
who, for six months, I have beendreaming of his roasted sheep's eyes.
- And I the eyes of his daughter.- You dreamt of more than her eyes.
- Oh, Captain, my mouth is dry.- And mine.
- Let's sample the wines of Charak.- My thirst is that of a thousand men.
Stop and drink, and I promise you willgo no further. Remember the last time?
You were strippedof all your possessions.
Because of that, I addedfour more eunuchs to the population.
Allah be with you.
All the paradise I seek is here.Who wants anything more?
I shall stay behind.