That's what you're paid for, Braden.
Now try winning a game for a change!
Number ten, Ned Braden,
with his 18th goal ofthe year,
assisted by numberseven, Dunlop,
and number 14, Drouin.
Ned Braden is now the leading scorer
in the Federal League. Time ofthe goal...
Tie it up out there, guys!
Come on, defence!
Get the puck outta there!
Hit him, Billy, hit him.
With us in the press box is
injured Chiefs defenceman, Dave Carlson.
Dave, is it tough sitting here
watching your team lose like this?
- Definitely, Jim.
- You injured your knee in a game.
- No.
- No? I thought you had.
No, I have a cold. You know,
the runny nose and the sore throat.
I went out in that storm
there last week to start my car.
I didn't have my jacket on.
I think it's settled in my kidneys.
We got action in the Presidents' goal.
Hit him with your purse, ya pussy.
Jesus, look at Brophy. He's plastered.
He told me so. If anybody boards him,
he's gonna piss all over himself.
- Piss all over himself? Good one.
- Faire pipi, eh?
No, no. I OK.
(phone rings)
..these games, and I'll check my memory
against the statistics as soon as I can.
Joe McGrath.
Oh, yes, miss.
Get off the ice, Nick.
You're gonna kill yourself.