I went out in that storm
there last week to start my car.
I didn't have my jacket on.
I think it's settled in my kidneys.
We got action in the Presidents' goal.
Hit him with your purse, ya pussy.
Jesus, look at Brophy. He's plastered.
He told me so. If anybody boards him,
he's gonna piss all over himself.
- Piss all over himself? Good one.
- Faire pipi, eh?
No, no. I OK.
(phone rings)
..these games, and I'll check my memory
against the statistics as soon as I can.
Joe McGrath.
Oh, yes, miss.
Get off the ice, Nick.
You're gonna kill yourself.
They're out on the ice right now,
giving their all.
- (fan) Get it together!
- They will be ready.
Ensemble number 32,
entitled "Omar Sharif',
modelled by Chiefs defenceman,
Billy Charlebois,
who hails from, if I can read the card here,
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
- The padded shoulders give it a '40s look.
- You look nice, son. Real spiffy.
Keep in mind that the perfect accessory
for the man in your life
is a season ticket to the Chiefs' games.
- I look like some cocksuckin' faggot.
- Have you seen Reg or Braden?
Joe, I don't care. Enough is enough.
Nowhere in my contract does it say I gotta
make a fool outta myself. Am I right?
- Have you seen Dunlop or Braden?
- I'm gonna flash 'em, Joe.
I'm gonna open this faggot robe
and wiggle my dick.
- You will not.
- Yes I am, Joe, and you know why?
I want you to have a heart attack and die
so we never have to do this again.