- This your rig, son?
- Yeah.
Open it up. Let's see the manifest.
Well, placin' you under arrest
for transportin' alcoholic beverages
across state lines
without the proper permits.
And that means you,
you dumb cowboy.
You know truckin' Coors beer
east of Texas is bootleggin'.
- This here's Georgia, son.
- Just a friendly bet.
These two old boys put me up to it.
Now, when ya gonna learn?
Big and Little Enos Burdette make that
same bet with every gearjammer they can.
I say he ain't gonna go
for your game.
Son, from what I've heard, the biggest
thing about the Bandit is his ego,
and I figure that, plus a lot of my dollars,
and he'll try anything, legal or not.
(ANNOUNCER) They've put on quite a show
for us today, haven't they, friends?
Yes, sir, you have seen some of
the finest gearjammin' in all of this country.
Remember, these are the boys that take
the long hauls. They really did it today.
- Hoss... Where might I find the Bandit?
- I ain't seen him.
- Over there behind his rig.
- Who wants to see him?
- Who's askin'?
- I'm askin'.
'Cause I'm the guy payin' him $25 a day
so all his loyal fans can look at him.
Do it.
I'm buyin' your attraction
for a half an hour.
Egotistical son of a bitch.
A guy that paints his truck like this would go
to a minister's funeral dressed in feathers.
(BIG ENOS) See, son? Old legends
never die. They just lose weight.
Seems like a legend and an out-of-work
bum look a lot alike, Daddy.
Bandit, me and my son are here.