How can this happen?
All this....
Did you do an EEG?
Completely flat?
Completely flat.
Did you repeat it?
No, not yet.
What happened during the D and C?
lt's an unremarkable case,
according to the notes.
Transient PVCs late in the operation.
Nothing else.
She never woke up?
l want to look at her chart.
lf it were my friend,
l don't know if l'd be that cool.
The potassium was what?
One-eight? Are you sure?
lt must be a mistake.
Honey, l'm sorry.
l know you two were really close.
There doesn't seem to be
anything unusual in the chart.
Normal 28-year-old patient
in good health for a D and C...
...underwent telothane anesthesia,
comes out in irreversible coma.
lt's well-documented
that telothane causes liver damage...
...and severe side effects in
a small percentage of surgical cases.
-That's just the risk of anesthesia.
-l know you're upset.
l'm not upset.
You think because l'm a woman,
l'm going to be upset. l'm fine.