
lf it were my friend,
l don't know if l'd be that cool.

The potassium was what?
One-eight? Are you sure?
lt must be a mistake.
Honey, l'm sorry.
l know you two were really close.
There doesn't seem to be
anything unusual in the chart.

Normal 28-year-old patient
in good health for a D and C...

...underwent telothane anesthesia,
comes out in irreversible coma.

lt's well-documented
that telothane causes liver damage...

...and severe side effects in
a small percentage of surgical cases.

-That's just the risk of anesthesia.
-l know you're upset.

l'm not upset.
You think because l'm a woman,
l'm going to be upset. l'm fine.

l want to understand the variables
as they apply to this patient.

l'm sure you agree that's indicated.
''This patient''?
Here we have an ordinary,
uninteresting case...

...of surgical reaction to telothane
anesthesia in a healthy patient.

As far as l can tell,
there are no unusual aspects...

...except that the patient
was tissue-typed.

Tissue-typed for D and C?
There's got to be some mistake.
Here it is. No name on the slip
and no billing number.

That's not the first time the lab
ran a test on the wrong patient.

Let's go home.
l think you're tired.

l think l'd better check
the tissue-typing lab.

Nancy's problem was not caused
by wrong lab tests.

l know.
Honey, you're grabbing at straws.
