Hey, this is the way to the bridge.
I thought you said you were
gonna take me home.
I did.
My home.
Oh, you're really full of surprises.
I never met anybody who ever lived
on a houseboat before.
That's fantastic.
Well, my brother built it,
and when he got married,
I moved in.
It's so beautiful here.
Yeah, on a clear day
you can see Alcatraz.
How nice.
Be careful here.
It's very slippery at night
- on the gangplank.
- OK.
- Hold onto something.
- OK.
You OK?
- Nice fire.
- I just turned on the switch.
- Come here.
- Hey. Hi, little one.
- Hi, little dog.
- Hey, Chaucer, what do you think?
You play your cards right and she'll
take you out for a sea-gull dinner.
Chaucer and I, we've been
getting along just great.
- Yeah, he likes you.
- He told me all about Monica.
How do you know about Monica?
I think this is for you.
What is that?
"Darling, you are out of eggs
and cottage cheese.
"I'll pick them up tomorrow.
Love, Monica."
Oh, that Monica. She's my maid.
She sounds very efficient.
She's terrific.
She comes in twice a week
and really clears the decks.
Trims the sails?
Blows the pipes.
How long has she
been doing all this?