
They'd mumble to each other.
I wonder if they heard
what they said.

Or else Uncle Harry would be
there and they'd play chess,

and then it'd be extra quiet.
I could hear three
different clocks ticking.

A few days before
you were due home

I'd get a temperature
from the excitement.

I'd worry I might
really get sick,

because you were
afraid of sick people.

When you did come,
I was so happy

I couldn't say anything.
You'd get impatient and say,

"Eva doesn't seem very pleased
to have her mother home again. "

I'd blush red as a beet
and break out in a sweat.

I couldn't say anything,
I had no words.

You had taken charge
of all the words in our home.

-You're exaggerating.
-I must finish speaking.

I know I'm tipsy but otherwise
I wouldn't have said what I have.

When I don't dare say any more
because I'm ashamed

you can explain and
I'll listen and understand

just as I've always done.
I loved you, Mama, it was
a matter of life and death.

But I distrusted your words.
They didn't match
the expression in your eyes.

You have a beautiful voice.
When I was little,

I could feel it all over my body.
But I knew instinctively
you didn't mean what you said.

I couldn't understand your words.
The most horrible thing was,
you'd smile when you were mad.
