
She got stuck in a window. She'll be right here.
Hi Annie.

Oh, hi Paul.
Stuck, huh?

All right, cut it out. It can happen to anyone.
Sure ... stuck in the widow.

Yeah, but I've seen you stuck in plenty of other positions!
My parents are gone.
Oh that's fabulous. When did they leave?
About half ago
- Oh, utterly fantastic.

So why don't you just walk over?
You coming pick me up.
- Well, I can't come now. My clothes are in the wash.

Oh shut up jerk. Can't, I've got a shirt on.
That's all you ever think about.

I think that's all you ever think about.
- That's not true, I think about lots of things.

Now why don't we not stand here
talking about them and get down to doing them?

Lock your doors, bolt your window and turn off the lights.
Don't go away ... cause here is a scene ...
- I'm scared.

Then why are you sitting here with half the lights off?
I don't know.
- Well, come on get your coat.
We're going to pick up Paul.

I don't want to.
Look, Lindsey, I thought we understood each other...
- I want to stay here and watch this.

Okay, if I can fix it so you can watch TV
with Tommy Doyle, would you like that?

- Well, come with me.

Come on! Hurry up.
That strange that has to short it out.
Hi Tommy.
Come on in. We're making a Jack-O-Lantern.
- You know I wanna watch TV.
