Then why are you sitting here with half the lights off?
I don't know.
- Well, come on get your coat.
We're going to pick up Paul.
I don't want to.
Look, Lindsey, I thought we understood each other...
- I want to stay here and watch this.
Okay, if I can fix it so you can watch TV
with Tommy Doyle, would you like that?
- Well, come with me.
Come on! Hurry up.
That strange that has to short it out.
Hi Tommy.
Come on in. We're making a Jack-O-Lantern.
- You know I wanna watch TV.
Annie, come in here.
...now the horrifying conclusion ...
... to ... the them.
Oh, fancy.
This has not been my night.
I spilled butter all over. My cloths are in the wash.
I got stuck in a window. - I'd like you call Ben Tramer
and tell him you're just fooling around.
I can't. - Yes, you can. - No, he went drinking with
Mike Godfrey and he won't be back until late.
YOU'LL have to call him ... tomorrow.
Besides, I'm on my way to pick up Paul.
Wait a minute.
If you watch her,
I'll CONSIDER talking to Ben Tramer in the morning.
I thought Paul was grounded.
- He was. Old jerko found a way to sneak out.
Listen, I'll call you in an hour or so, ok?
- Yeah.
The old girl scout comes through again.