This is an aeroplane dream.
I forget what they mean.
I think they're a good sign.
Mr Pendleton.
Mr Pendleton, you must wait for me.
I'm your escort.
Wait for me, please, Mr Pendleton.
The end of the line,
Mr Pendleton, please.
Hi. How you doing?
You want to hear a little music?
- You have to wait in line.
- What? This is my dream, isn't it?
You mustrt get out of line. Really!
- Chamberlain, Paul R.
- All right.
I've brought the final passenger.
This manifest is complete.
- Hi.
- You cannot board before your turn.
I don't need a turn.
I'm not boarding.
You don't understand.
This is not your ultimate destination.
That will take you to it.
I'm not going. I'm going to run
around till I wake up.
I'm afraid I haven't fully explained
how this system is organised.
The rules derive from yours,
a product of your image and that
of those who share your image.
If you violate the rules, the principles...
You want to see a trick?
I do this to keep
my abductor pollicis limber.
I don't have a lot of patter with it.
Feel that. That's a 50-cent piece.
I just throw that
into that hand, you see.
I say the magic words, "Abracadabra",
and then presto, it's gone.
Now, you probably think
I still have it.
You're wrong, 'cause I can see it
coming out of your ear.
The only trick I know.
- Mr Pendleton!
- Gentlemen?
Gentlemen, what's the delay?
We've received a new arrival
who refuses to board.
That's impossible. Have you
explained the rules to him?
- Yes, sir.
- Quite clearly?