#I think you'll understand #
# When I say that something #
#I want to hold your hand #
#I want to hold your hand #
# I want to hold your hand #
#And when I touch you #
# I feel happy inside #
#It's such a feeling that my love #
#I can't hide #
#I can't hide, I can't hide #
# Yeah, you got that something #
#I think you'll understand #
# When I feel that something #
#I want to hold your hand #
# I want hold your hand #
Rosie, I don't know why you're
dragging me in here. I can't be
spending any money on Beatle records.
Hey, listen. Stereo.
Rosie, are you listening to me?
Come on, Pam.
All right, baby, this is
Murray the "K"with the number one song...
Rosie, wait a minute.
Excuse me.
Rosie, did you hear what I said?
I've gotta start saving my money
for more important things.
I mean, for God's sakes,
tomorrow night I'm getting...
you know...
All right, I'll buy it for you
as an elopement present.
Do you wanna tell the whole world?
Anyway, if you're gonna get me something,
get me something practical
that I can use, like Tupperware.
Aah! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
It's Paul! Oh, I'm gonna die!
- Oh, my God! It's Paul! It's Paul!
- Rosie...
- Oh, I'm gonna die right here!
He's so cute, so sexy!
- He's cardboard.
- #I know you never #
#Even try, girl #
Yeah. Yeah, well, I know it is.
The Beatles are fakes!
It's all a plot...
a plot to make you waste your money!
Don't fall for It!