Hey, listen. Stereo.
Rosie, are you listening to me?
Come on, Pam.
All right, baby, this is
Murray the "K"with the number one song...
Rosie, wait a minute.
Excuse me.
Rosie, did you hear what I said?
I've gotta start saving my money
for more important things.
I mean, for God's sakes,
tomorrow night I'm getting...
you know...
All right, I'll buy it for you
as an elopement present.
Do you wanna tell the whole world?
Anyway, if you're gonna get me something,
get me something practical
that I can use, like Tupperware.
Aah! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
It's Paul! Oh, I'm gonna die!
- Oh, my God! It's Paul! It's Paul!
- Rosie...
- Oh, I'm gonna die right here!
He's so cute, so sexy!
- He's cardboard.
- #I know you never #
#Even try, girl #
Yeah. Yeah, well, I know it is.
The Beatles are fakes!
It's all a plot...
a plot to make you waste your money!
Don't fall for It!
Herb, lemme... lemme
call you back later, huh?
It's a gimmick!
Oh, you don't really wanna buy these albums.
You only think that you do.
Punch her out!
Rosie, you're not
buying another one.
It's not for me. It's for Pam.
Just to give away
two tickets to The Ed Sullivan Show.
Did you hear me, baby?
If you can answer this question:
What's Ringo Starr's real name?
Are you listening to me?
Did you hear what I said?
#Please please me, whoa, yeah #
#Like I please you #
And right now...
Janis, what are you doing?
You are picketing in my store.
You are driving my customers away.
All I see around this store
is Beatle albums.
What about Bob Dylan? Joan Baez?
How come they don't get
equal floor space?
The Beatles sell.
"Jane" Baez doesn't sell.
I deserve a little more respect
from my own daughter.
You are embarrassing me.
I'm embarrassing you?
I feel like I'm talking
to a walking publicity stunt.
Hey, Janis!
Janis, have you seen Rosie?