Turn it back on!
Haven't you ever heard of unbiased reporting?
Yeah, unbiased report!
There are two sides to every story!
There's two sides. Don't you know that?
I don't believe this!
Whatever happened to objective reporting?
Yeah! Whatever happened to that?
You tell me.
What are you beefin' about now?
It doesn't matter.
This is only a local news station.
I know what I have to do now.
I gotta find the national news reporters,
then the whole country
can hear what I have to say.
Talk, talk, talk.
That's all you wanna do is talk.
I want the whole country
to hear what I have to say.
Shit. When does beatin' your gums
ever mean mean anything?
You gotta do something.
Well, I don't see you doing anything
except for following me around.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, you wanna
see me do somethin'?
All ri... Wha...
All right. I'll do somethin'!
Get him!
Look, I'll find my own way out, okay?
Make me happy.
Hey! Hey, you! You're not supposed to be here!
This is a restricted area!
You don't belong here!
Don't you know this entire section
of the hotel's completely sealed off?
Paul! Paul!
You can't get in there.
Besides, I already tried.
Those guys already left.
About five minutes ago.
Well, actually, it was closer
to four minutes ago. Crazy broad.
What? What?
That means they walked on this rug!
Don't jump to conclusions! I'm a collector!
Please, don't get a stain on it!
Oh, Paul! Paul!
- In the name of human decency!
This is valuable merchandise!
- Hey!