have you?
How tall would you say
that thing is?
Oh, 5'10", thereabouts.
How much does it weigh?
It's pretty thin.
Maybe 140 pounds.
Jack's 5'10"
and weighs 140 pounds.
Teddy, will you stop
talking nonsense?
I'm sorry, darling,
but it isn't nonsense.
Becky, you don't think
it's nonsense, do you?
Of course it is.
Jack's standing here
in front of you.
Of course I am,
bleeding to death.
Excuse me.
You know what?
I'm afraid you may live.
Here, this should fix it.
shouldn't we call the police...
and have them take
that dead body out of here?
I'm afraid
it isn't just a dead body.
I wonder if...
I wonder
if there's any connection.
What do you mean?
There's something
strange afoot in Santa Mira.
Dr. Kauffman calls it
an epidemic of mass hysteria.
Becky's cousin's got it,
for one.
She thinks that her uncle
and her aunt...
aren't her uncle and her aunt.
There's several cases
of such delusion.
This isn't you yet...
but there is
a structural likeness.
It's fantastic.
There must be some reason
this is here.
Would you be willing
to sit up...
and see what your friend's
next move is?
If nothing happens by morning,
call the police.
If something happens...
call me, will you?
You know I will.
Good night.
Take it easy.
Nothing will happen.
Good night, Becky.
If it does...